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A skilled nurse helps an assisted living resident move using her walker in a brightly lit suite.

Who Qualifies for Assisted Living?

Caring for an aging loved one can be a challenging yet immensely rewarding experience. However, there comes a time when you may need to consider alternative living arrangements to ensure they receive the best care possible. Assisted living communities provide a perfect blend of independence and support, making them an ideal option for many families.…
Elderly man exercising with a resistance band under medical supervision.

Benefits Of A Medically Supervised Rehabilitation Program

A medically supervised rehab program for seniors is an effective and safe way to help older adults recover from injuries, surgeries or illnesses. This type of program involves a team of healthcare professionals who work together to create a personalized treatment plan for each individual based on their specific needs. The top benefits of a…

Some commonly prescribed meds may increase the risk of dementia, study shows

USA Today reports that a study completed by University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom found a link between dementia and several commonly used medications including anticholinergic drugs like antidepressants, bladder antimuscarinics, antipsychotics and antiephileptic drugs "which resulted in nearly 50% increased odds of dementia." The following article and study "strongly warns people against stopping any of…

9 Misconceptions of Long-Term Care Nursing

There are many caregiver misconceptions surrounding Long Term Care. Since there are some amazing career opportunities in Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living and Memory Care, we want to educate you on what you might be missing. Let’s debunk some myths: Long Term Care is slow-paced and easy Long Term Care has its own unique challenges or…

Where Life Thrives

Assisted Living

Discover a vibrant and supportive lifestyle designed for people seeking assistance with daily activities. We help empower people to flourish and enjoy a dynamic, enriching life.

Assisted Living

Skilled Nursing

Experience freedom and support at the same time. Live a life filled with purpose and connections while receiving the care needed to make the most of every day.

Skilled Nursing

Memory Care

Find comprehensive, individualized support designed specifically for people affected by cognitive challenges caused by Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Memory Care

Short-Term Stays

Short-term respite care can offer caregivers flexibility and peace of mind while their loved ones enjoy our quality care and experiences.

Short-Term Stays

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“A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.”

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Our Address

  • 6010 W Lake Rd.
  • Vermilion, OH 44089

Conveniently Located

Located mere blocks from the idyllic shores of Lake Erie, Kingston of Vermilion is a vibrant community where memory care, rehabilitation and long term care residents can thrive.

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