Senior Living Careers
in Vermilion

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Join a Passionate & Welcoming Team

At Kingston Residence of Vermilion, we transcend the role of caregivers. We are a compassionate team committed to enhancing our residents’ lives.

We are proud to work with people who embody our mission, and we prioritize the personal development of our staff while rejoicing in the fulfillment of aiding others.

Here, your efforts are acknowledged, your commitment is esteemed, and each day presents an opportunity to create meaningful change.

Are you ready to discover the perfect opportunity for you? Join us today!

Embrace a Culture of Care

At Kingston Residence of Vermilion, our culture is centered on empathy, respect, and understanding.

We foster open dialogue, collaboration, and the exploration of innovative ideas. Our aim is to consistently enhance our residents’ quality of life.

Together, we commemorate our achievements, embrace our challenges as learning opportunities, and form strong bonds as a united community dedicated to excellence in care.

Our Core Values

We believe that a great place to work starts with a foundation built on strong, ethical values, and we uphold our values in everything we do. We expect all our employees to:

  • Preserve the safety and well-being of all residents and employees. 
  • Show genuine care for all residents and employees. 
  • Do what is right, even when no one is watching. 
  • Be flexible, be dynamic, and adapt to change. 
  • Create a workplace free from rumors and gossip. 
  • Never initiate or participate in defamation of others.
  • Resolve differences and work to strengthen the team. 
  • Accept responsibility and never shift blame to others. 
  • Provide factual information in a diplomatic way. 
  • Identify priorities, ask the right questions, and remove barriers. 
  • Do things right the first time. 
  • Always strive for continuous improvement. 
  • Recognize the contributions of others. 
  • Exceed expectations. 
  • Have fun!

Do You Love to Care?

Become part of our family and embark on a fulfilling career that can uplift your life and our residents’ lives!

Explore our website to discover available positions, and submit your application today. Together, we can further cultivate a community where every moment is cherished, every individual feels cared for, and each day presents an opportunity to exceed expectations.

Where Life Thrives

Assisted Living

Discover a vibrant and supportive lifestyle designed for people seeking assistance with daily activities. We help empower people to flourish and enjoy a dynamic, enriching life.

Assisted Living

Skilled Nursing

Experience freedom and support at the same time. Live a life filled with purpose and connections while receiving the care needed to make the most of every day.

Skilled Nursing

Memory Care

Find comprehensive, individualized support designed specifically for people affected by cognitive challenges caused by Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Memory Care

Short-Term Stays

Short-term respite care can offer caregivers flexibility and peace of mind while their loved ones enjoy our quality care and experiences.

Short-Term Stays

Our Reviews

“A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.”

Find Our Community

Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • 6010 W Lake Rd.
  • Vermilion, OH 44089

Conveniently Located

Located mere blocks from the idyllic shores of Lake Erie, Kingston of Vermilion is a vibrant community where memory care, rehabilitation and long term care residents can thrive.

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